Victims of crime reveal their pain at public hearings

31 January 2022 Criminal justice system inquiry

The landmark probe into Victoria’s criminal justice system has heard from victims of crime at many of its public hearings.

The inquiry into Victoria's criminal justice system heard from many victims of crime during its public hearing phase.

The accounts of victims of crime have been central to the considerations of the Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues Committee inquiry into Victoria's criminal justice system.

Since the public hearings began in Wangaratta, in April 2021 the Committee has listened to the needs of survivors, who have also suggested ways to improve the state's legal framework. 

In September, John Herron recounted the horrific murder of his daughter in Royal Park and shared his thoughts on law reform.

Dianne McDonald used her personal experience to explain why coercive control and greater help for victims of stalking is so important. 

In November, victim advocates Cathy Oddie and Thomas Wain detailed their lived experience of the justice system and provided advice on how victims could be better supported through the legal process. 

Members of the Committee were visibly touched by the confronting, but neccesary nature of the evidence provided by each of the witnesses.

Several other victim survivours have appeared at the eight public hearings and full trancripts of their testimony is available at

The Committee is due to table its final report to Parliament in March 2022.