Wednesday, 22 February 2023


Colac-Ballarat Road, Rokewood

Colac-Ballarat Road, Rokewood

Joe McCRACKEN (Western Victoria) (17:52): (57) My adjournment matter is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and the action that I seek is that the minister personally inspect the Colac-Ballarat Road, in particular the section just south of Rokewood. I have had many concerned residents raise with me the poor condition of the Colac-Ballarat Road, in particular the section just south of Rokewood, which is in in the seat of Eureka. This is a designated arterial road. I recently went out and inspected the condition of the road myself, and I was disappointed to see that it was in a very poor condition. In the short time I was there I noticed trucks, caravans, cars, trailers and a whole heap of different vehicles, even including motorbikes. There have been some very minor works that have been completed, combined with the warnings to people ‘Slow down’ and ‘Hazard ahead’, but these signs cannot be considered a permanent solution. I have even had contact from one gentleman that raised the issue that he had his tyre busted on this road because of the state of the road. Others have reported similar stories of minor damage as well. This is just another example of a significant country road that seems to have been ignored. It puts road safety and lives further at risk; however, nothing significant seems to have been done, so I hope the minister can come out with me if they would like to and inspect the road with me.