Accepting submissions | The deadline for submissions to the inquiry into Climate Resilience has been extended to 28 June 2024.

The LC Environment and Planning Committee invites submissions from individuals and organisations addressing the terms of reference. Deadline for submissions has been extended to 28 June 2024.

This inquiry is focussed on the main risks facing Victoria's built environment and infrastructure from climate change, and the impact these will have on the people of Victoria, including how the Government is preparing for these impacts, the barriers in upgrading infrastructure to become more resilient to the impacts, and the preparedness for future climate disaster events.

Make a Submission to this inquiry

You can make a submission by completing this online form.

Our making a submission page has more information including about parliamentary privilege.

Your contact details

Your name will be published online.  

Your contact details will not be published.  

We ask these questions for verification purposes only.

Rate the themes

Enter the most suitable rating according to the below themes you believe are most important for this inquiry to consider. 

(Rate from '0 = Not important at all' to '10 = Most important'. Please use each number only once.)

What best describes your interest in our Inquiry?

(Select options that apply)

Your submission

Enter your submission in the box below, and/or upload up to 3 files by selecting all the files you want to upload.

We can accept the following file formats: PDF (.pdf), Word (.doc and .docx), Text (.txt).

Are you interested in appearing before the committee in person to talk about your submission?

Submit and finish

In general, the committee prefers that submissions and other evidence be published wherever possible, however you can request that all or part of your submission remains confidential. You must set out the reason(s) for your request clearly in your submission. Please note that personal information such as residential addresses, email addresses and phone numbers are redacted from all submissions prior to publication.  

I agree that my submission will be treated as a public document and published online unless the committee accepts that its confidential

Inquiry Submissions