Address-in-Reply presented to Governor

7 June 2023 More about the Address-in-Reply

Governor Linda Dessau and husband Anthony Howard with (L-R) Usher of the Black Rod Sally West, Legislative Council President Shaun Leane, Legislative Assembly Speaker Maree Edwards & Serjeant-at-Arms Paul Groenewegen.
Governor Linda Dessau and husband Anthony Howard with (L-R) Usher of the Black Rod Sally West, Legislative Council President Shaun Leane, Legislative Assembly Speaker Maree Edwards & Serjeant-at-Arms Paul Groenewegen.

More than 15 MPs attended the official handover of the Address-in-Reply at Government House.

The historic formality is the sequel to the opening of the 60th Parliament held in December 2022.

Both Houses spent months debating what they would say in response to Governor Linda Dessau’s speech.

President Shaun Leane delivered the Address-in-Reply on behalf of the Legislative Council.

‘We, the Legislative Council of Victoria assembled in Parliament, express our loyalty to Australia and the people of Victoria, and thank you for the speech which you have made to the Parliament,’ he said.

‘We declare that we will faithfully carry out the important duties entrusted to us by the people of Victoria, to advance the best interests of all sections of the community.’

Speaker Maree Edwards presented the Address-in-Reply on behalf of the Legislative Assembly.

‘We, the Legislative Assembly of Victoria assembled in Parliament, wish to express our loyalty to our Sovereign, and to thank you for your speech which you have made to the Parliament,’ she said.


The Governor took receipt of the Address-in-Reply from each Presiding Officer and read her reply.

‘In the name and on behalf of His Majesty The King I thank you for your expressions of loyalty contained in the address you have just presented to me,’ she said.

‘I fully rely on your wisdom in deliberating upon the important measures to be brought under your consideration, and I earnestly hope that the results of your labours will be conducive to the advancement and prosperity of this State.’

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MPs from both Houses were then presented to the Governor in procession.

Chamber Clerks, Assembly Serjeant-At-Arms, Council Usher of the Black Rod and other parliamentary staff also participated in the event.