Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Constituency questions

Northern Metropolitan Region

Northern Metropolitan Region

Mr ONDARCHIE (Northern Metropolitan) (12:51): (1827) My constituency question today is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. Residents of Melbourne’s outer north are frustrated with the traffic. I hear about it all the time, as did my good friend Richard Welch, the candidate for McEwen at the federal election, who committed $109.5 million to the upgrade of Mickleham Road. Every morning Attwood residents experience choked roads and frustration on Mickleham Road. They have told me it is a nightmare trying to get to work and trying to get home, especially in the evening to try and see their families. The action I seek from the minister, by way of directing the Department of Transport, is to do an investigation of the intersections of Haddon Hall Drive, Alanbrae Terrace and Mickleham Road; Elizabeth Street and Broadmeadows Road; and Hillcrest Drive and Mickleham Road, including the roundabout joining Broadmeadows Road.

The DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Mr Ondarchie, can I just give you a moment to rephrase? You asked for an action; you did not ask a question.

Mr ONDARCHIE: The question I have for the minister is: will he direct the Department of Transport to do an investigation into the intersections of Haddon Hall Drive, Alanbrae Terrace and Mickleham Road; Elizabeth Street and Broadmeadows Road; and Hillcrest Drive and Mickleham Road, including the roundabout at Broadmeadows Road?