Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Constituency questions

Western Victoria Region

Western Victoria Region

Mr MEDDICK (Western Victoria) (12:37): (1859) My question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety in the other place. Victoria Valley Road stretches for 60 kilometres from Dunkeld, through the Gariwerd mountains, to Budja Budja—in whitefella language, Halls Gap. Despite the road being narrow and winding through mountainous terrain, the speed limit is 100 kilometres per hour, which is the same as a city motorway. This road is lethal for wildlife. The nature and number of wildlife deaths is confronting for visitors and locals alike, also creating a burden for limited wildlife rescue services in the area. Local residents are united in their concerns and have sent notification to your office detailing the dangers of that road. Will the minister reduce the speed limit on this mountainous stretch of road as a first step to making it safer for humans and wildlife alike?