Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Members statements

Refugee Week

Samantha RATNAM

Refugee Week

Samantha RATNAM (Northern Metropolitan) (13:35): Today is World Refugee Day, and we mark this day in Refugee Week, an important week to honour the experiences, strength and courage of people seeking asylum and refuge. The theme this year is ‘Finding freedom’. Right now thousands of refugees, however, are met with detention, not freedom, when they are fleeing war and persecution. As a nation we must treat them with compassion, not cruelty.

On Thursday there was a very special celebration that exemplified the capacity we have for compassion with the 30th anniversary of the Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre right here in Parliament. Thank you to the board chair Dr Ponniah Anandajayasekeram, CEO Rakesh Sharma and all the board members, staff and volunteers for showcasing the work of SMRC and all the tireless work they have contributed to the lives of migrants in Melbourne for decades. SMRC has provided invaluable support to migrant communities through settlement services, homework clubs, training and skills development, family support, volunteer community engagement, aged care work and so much more. It is fair to say for so many people SMRC is the only support service in their lives, and in those crucial few years of settlement their work is the difference between someone having a positive settlement journey or being isolated in their new homeland.