Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Questions without notice and ministers statements

West Gate Tunnel soil


West Gate Tunnel soil

Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) (11:49): My question without notice is to the Leader of the Government. In her recent report Investigation into Environment Protection Authority Decisions on West Gate Tunnel Project Spoil Disposal, the Ombudsman was highly critical of the EPA’s refusal to consult with the Sunbury and Bulla communities. The turmoil surrounding the West Gate Tunnel Project led the Ombudsman to report that:

While senior officials denied there was any government interference, there is little doubt the EPA was under pressure to ‘fix’ the problem to get the project back on track.

Minister, can you give this house a categorical guarantee that the Premier, the Premier’s office, the Minister for Transport Infrastructure or the minister for the environment have in no way interfered in the proper processes of the EPA when considering the Sunbury Road toxic soil site?

The PRESIDENT: I am just wondering whether the question was directed to the Premier, not to the Leader of the Government, Mr Finn.

Mr FINN: I am happy to take your advice, President, and direct it to the minister in her capacity as the minister representing the Premier.

Ms SYMES (Northern Victoria—Leader of the Government, Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (11:50): Mr Finn, thanks for your question. It is, I am sure, a matter that has been appropriately managed. However, you have sought assurances about the involvement of ministers other than me, and as directed by the President it would be appropriate for me to seek a written response from the Premier to give you further confidence that all behaviour has been appropriate in relation to this matter.

Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) (11:51): Probably should tell the Ombudsman as well. Minister, in which other approval processes by the EPA have the Premier, the Premier’s office, the Minister for Transport Infrastructure or the minister for the environment been improperly involved?

Ms SYMES (Northern Victoria—Leader of the Government, Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (11:51): Thank you, Mr Finn, for your statement, I guess. I will add it to the question that I will be referring to the minister, but as you have asked specifically in relation to the EPA, it might be a bit difficult considering he is not the responsible minister for that organisation. But I am sure they will enjoy writing you a response.