Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Members statements

Raja Parba

Raja Parba

Ms VAGHELA (Western Metropolitan) (12:44): I recently attended the annual event Raja Parba, organised in Williamstown by Orioz Incorporated. Orioz is a collective of residents of Australia who originate from the state of Odisha in India. Raja Parba has been the biggest annual function of the Odia diaspora, and they have been celebrating this event for the last 11 years in Victoria. Orioz works to support the Odia community in Australia to be engaged, vibrant and inclusive. It provides a platform for the young Odias in Australia to nurture their cultural roots and to strengthen their cultural identity. Raja Parba is a unique festival that represents the culture and tradition of the state of Odisha. It is dedicated to Mother Earth and the celebration of womanhood. It also gives a subtle cultural message to respect women and our planet, the Earth. Through this event, Orioz is making efforts to empower women and highlight the significance of women by emphasising the powerful role of women through their activities and programs. At this annual event onstage group performances by performers in different age categories provided them an opportunity to express themselves in front of a large gathering of about 450 people. The event concluded with a delicious dinner that included authentic Odia cuisine. I congratulate all Orioz members and commend their huge efforts for this massive event.