Tuesday, 30 May 2023

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Parole eligibility


Parole eligibility

Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (12:36): (158) My question is for the Attorney-General. Attorney-General, since I have been here we have locked away Julian Knight and Craig Minogue. Why aren’t we locking away Paul Denyer?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:36): Mr Bourman, you are asking a question to the Attorney-General that may be better directed to the Minister for Corrections. In relation to courts and sentencing, that is where my bit is; in relation to prisoners and parole, that is where another minister’s responsibility is. However, you have asked a question in relation to a specific prisoner that I can confirm is currently locked up.

Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (12:37): Thank you, Attorney-General. I do understand he is locked up, but I would ask that someone go and explain to the families why they are going to have to go through parole hearings for someone this evil. I do not usually put their names on record, but I have to. Every time there is a parole hearing these people will have to go through a torturous time that I can only begin to imagine. If someone could go and explain to them why we are not locking away Mr Denyer, as we have other people who are equally as deserving, I think they would appreciate that.

The PRESIDENT: That is a question for the Minister for Corrections. Minister, answer as you see fit.

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:38): Thank you, President. Mr Bourman, this is squarely in the responsibility of Mr Erdogan, but I take your comments. I certainly feel for the families that have been inflicted pain as a result of a mass murderer who is serving a life sentence. But in relation to the specific questions that you ask, in relation to victim support, which is Mr Erdogan’s other portfolio, his office will be best placed to provide you with information in relation to what support is provided for victims of crime, particularly those that are subjected to the parole process.

The PRESIDENT: Before I call Minister Blandthorn for a ministers statement, I advise the house that former member Cliff Hayes is in the gallery.