Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Members statements

Glenelg Shire Council rates

Glenelg Shire Council rates

Ms KEALY: Ratepayers in the Glenelg shire are nervously awaiting their rates notices for the upcoming year after a shift from a rebate system to a differential system was adopted, with significant rate rises expected. It is disappointing that the council did not apply a transition period to roll into the new differential system or apply a 0.55 differential rate to primary producers that would deliver a fairer deal for ratepayers in the region. I urge the Minister for Local Government to support my calls for the Essential Services Commission to urgently review the validity of Glenelg Shire Council’s decision to include the rebate value when determining the capped average rate for the 2021–22 year, and, given the increase in net rate revenue is well above 1.75 per cent, to ensure that the net rate revenue is compliant with the Fair Go Rates system. If it is compliant, it is clear that Labor’s so-called Fair Go Rates system is a catastrophic misnomer. Labor must get on with implementing recommendations of the Local Government Rating System Review or propose a significant reform to Victoria’s rating system that would finally deliver a true fair go for country ratepayers.