Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Members statements

Government integrity

Government integrity

Mr R SMITH (Warrandyte) (13:06): I would like to draw the house’s attention to another in a number of investigations currently being undertaken by the Victorian Ombudsman into this government. The Victorian Ombudsman’s investigation into the politicisation of the Victorian public service (VPS) should be alarming to every Victorian. This investigation speaks to the heart of the culture of corruption and nepotism which this government has become known for and highlights the cheapening of core public service functions in favour of centralised power and control.

The Victorian public service should be staffed by public servants who give government frank and fearless advice and they should earn promotion up the bureaucratic tree because of merit. Importantly their focus should be on serving the Victorian people. Increasingly through this government’s term this well-observed practice has been eroded. Long-term and very capable members of the VPS are being pushed aside for promotion in lieu of political appointees. Decisions have been taken away from the experienced in various departments, bypassing ministers, only to have those decisions made almost exclusively from the Premier’s private office. If I can quote an Age article regarding the so-called red wedding public service purge of the Department of Justice and Community Safety:

The result was a bureaucracy less capable and willing to offer fearless and frank advice …

This produced a $4 million spike in redundancy payments—over $4 million of unneeded redundancies funded by the taxpayer just so Labor mates could have jobs which other decent public servants had earned. If I could speak to any former or current VPS staff listening, we on this side of the house value you and the work that you do, and when there is a change of government— (Time expired)